Michael Hess #, + and Moshe Narkis §
# Laboratory of Advanced Polymers & Optimized Materials (LAPOM), Department of Materials
Science and Engineering, University of North Texas, Denton, TX 76203-5310, USA; polychar@marta.phys.unt.edu
+ FB-6 Physical Chemistry, University of Duisburg-Essen, D-45117 Essen, Germany; hi259he@uni-duisburg.de
§ Department of Chemical Engineering, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Technion
City, Haifa 32000, Israel; narkis@techunix.technion.ac.il
Pictures of POLYCHAR-14
Abstract Profile of POLYCHAR World Forum is defined. A brief summary of some of the papers
presented at POLYCHAR-14 in April 2006 is provided. Prizes awarded at POLYCHAR-14
are listed.
Key words materials forum, materials theory, materials computer simulations, surface modification
The 14-th Annual POLYCHAR World Forum on Advanced Materials took place at Nara Women’s
University on April 17 – 21, 2006. The Forum was preceded on April 16 by a Course
on Polymer Characterization. The Chair of the Organizing Committee was Masaru Matsuo
of Nara Women’s University, aided by Kohji Tashiro of the Toyota Technological Institute,
Nagoya, and a dozen or so committee members. Following the profile shaped and established
in previous years, the focus of the Forum is on the quality of presentations and discussions.
Achieving high numbers of participants is not among the objectives. Some 240 attendees from 35 countries presented 270 papers. A
Symposium on the Status of Women in Science and Engineering was held during the Forum.
Excursions to Nara Park (during the week) and to Mount Yoshino and the Horyu-ji Temple
(Saturday after the closure) were nice diversions, with the famous Japanese cherry
trees just in blossom – as if ordered by the organizers.
Below we provide a brief report from the Forum, listing some of the presentations
and all Prize winners. Student prizes were awarded disregarding the format (poster
or oral), except for the prizes sponsored by the International Union of Pure & Applied
Chemistry (IUPAC) limited to poster presenters. The Forum was also cosponsored by
the Japanese Society of Polymer Processing. At http://www.nara-wu.ac.jp/polychar-14/index.html
one can see the full Program.
The profile of POLYCHAR has been described before [1 - 5 ]. We put together experimentalists,
these doing computer simulations and theorists in one lecture hall at one time. The
resulting interactions are sometimes astonishing. Each presenter has an opportunity
- but not an obligation - to submit a manuscript based on the presentation to the
POLYCHAR Scientific Committee. The manuscripts are considered by our Editors and referees
appointed by the Editors for publication. Thus, each author receives input from referees
in addition to verbal input during the Forum. The journal Editor-in-Chief accepts
the decisions of POLYCHAR Editors on publication.
The areas covered by the Forum in 2005 were: Predictive Methods; Synthesis; Nanomaterials
and Smart Materials; Mechanical Properties and Performance; Dielectric and Electrical
Properties; Surfaces, Interfaces and Tribology; Rheology, Solutions and Processing;
Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering; Natural and Biodegradable Materials and Recycling;
and Characterization and Structure - Property Relationships.
A Brief Survey of Some of the Presentations
Listing a selection of the papers presented is once again an impossible task, but
here are a few (see also below for presentations by prize winners):
- AKIHIRO ABE, Tokyo Polytechnic University (coauthored with Y. Imada, T. Hiejima and
H. Furuya): The origin of the multiformality of alpha-helical polyaspartates – A highly
intelligent system designed by Nature
- DUSAN BEREK, Polymer Institute of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava: Liquid
chromatography of synthetic polymers
- YUEZHEN BIN, Nara Women’s University (coauthored by Y. Xi, C.K. Chiang and M. Matsuo):
Temperature dependence of AC and DC conductivity of polyethylene with carbon fibers
- MARTIN Y.M. CHIANG, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg,
Maryland: Combinatorial approach to the edge delamination test for thin film reliability
- ULMAS GAFUROV, Institute of Nuclear Physics, Tashkent: Molecular mechanics modeling
of creep in an oriented linear crystalline polymer
- ANDRZEJ GALESKI, Center for Molecular and Macromolecular Studies of the Polish Academy
of Sciences, Lodz (coauthored by Andrzej Pawlak): Nanocavitation in plastic deformation
of crystalline polymers
- ULF W. GEDDE, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm (coauthored by A. Mattozzi,
P. Serralunga, M. Minelli, B. Neway and M.S. Hedenqvist): Small-molecule diffusion
in semicrystalline polymers
- KYOHITO KOYAMA, Yamagata University, Yonezawa: Control of elongational rheology by
addition of fillers
- GONZALO MARTINEZ-BARRERA, Autonomous University of the State of Mexico, Toluca (coauthored
by U. Texcalpa-Villaruel, S. Hernandez-Lopez and E. Vigueras-Santiago): Compressive
strength of fiber-reinforced polymer concrete
- GOERG MICHLER, Martin Luther University, Merseburg: Micromechanical effects and
mechanical properties of polymers based on their nanostructure
- VIRINDER S. PARMAR, University of Delhi (coauthored by A.C. Watterson, University
of Massachusetts Lowell): Biocatalytic generation of novel pharmaceutically and industrially
important polymers
- JUERGEN PIONTECK, Leibniz Institute for Polymer Research, Dresden (coauthored by P.
Poetschke, L. Jakisch and V.B. Sadhu): Synthesis of multifunctional reactive coupling
agents and their use in blends
- JEAN-JACQUES PIREAUX, University of Namur (coauthored by A. Felten and C. Bittencourt):
Nano2hybrids: Gold clusters on plasma treated monowall carbon nanotubes
- JEAN-MARC SAITER, University of Rouen: The random walk model and fragility of glassy
- SABINE SEIDLER, Vienna University of Technology: Macro-micro-nano: Scaling problems
- RAM P. SINGH, University of Lucknow (coauthored by S. Pal and D.R. Mal): High performance
flocculating agents and viscosifiers based on cationic guar gum
- JOHN TEXTER, Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilanti (coauthored by Ted Provder, Sapon
Vaghray, Shyam Malliprakash and Atheer Maid): Dynamic mechanical analysis of fouling
release and antifouling coatings and components
- BERNHARD A. WOLF, Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz: Chain connectivity and conformational
- CHUNYE XU, University of Washington, Seattle (coauthored by L. Liu and M. Taya): Switchable
glass based on electrochromic polymers
- TRAIAN ZACHARESCU, Institute of Electrical Engineering, Bucharest: Electrical properties
of polymers
The POLYCHAR-14 Prize Committee (chaired by one of us – M.N.) awarded the following
The Paul J. Flory Polymer Research Award (established in 2000 with the approval of
the family of Flory) went ex aequo to:
- WITOLD BROSTOW, University of North Texas, Denton – for his work on prediction of
long term reliability of viscoelastic materials and discoveries in tribology;
- KOICHI HATADA, Fukui University of Technology – for his spectroscopy and other research
record presented in 390 publications and also for his effort in transmitting to children
interest in research in Materials Science and Engineering.
- Bruce Hartmann Award for a Young Scientist:
- ENIKO MOURI, Kyushu Institute of Technology, Fukuoka – for results on Latex monolayers
at the air-water interface.
Second Prize for a Young Investigator:
- E. BHOJE GOWD, Toyota Technological Institute, Nagoya – for results on thermally induced
phase transitions in polystyrene.
Carl Klason Prize for the Best Student Paper:
- RICHARD T. OLSSON, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm (advisor Ulf W. Gedde)
– for his paper on nanocomposites based on ferrite nanoparticles.
Second Prize for a Student Paper:
- KINGSLEY K.C. HO, Imperial College London (advisor Alexander Bismarck) – for his
three presentations, including on fluorination of carbon fibers in atmospheric plasma
and on multifunctional hybrids.
Third Prize for a Student Paper:
- KEIJI HONDA, Kyushu University, Fukuoka (advisor Atsushi Takahara) – for his presentation
on water repellence in thin films
Diplomas of Distinction for Student Papers:
- YUYA ARIKAWA, Osaka University (advisor Mitsuru Akashi) – for work on characterization
of biodegradable polylactide hollow particles
- TAKESHI KANEKO, Kyoto Institute of Technology (advisor Mitsuru Akashi) – for his presentation
on structures of triblock copolymers
- HIROMICHI NOMA, Kyushu University, Fukuoka (advisor Atsushi Takahara) – for work on
effects of nanofibers on crystallization
- ATSUSHI NORO, Nagoya University (advisor Yushu Matsushita) – for results on structures
of block copolymers IUPAC Student Poster Awards:
- STEVEN LAMORINIERE, Imperial College London (advisor Alexander Bismarck) – for his
work on composites reinforced with carbon nanotubes
- KYOTA MIYAMOTO, Kyushu University, Fukuoka (advisor Atsushi Takahara) – for results
on surface and interface structures of blend thin films
- YUMIKO NAKANO, Nara Women’s University (advisors Yuezhen Bin and Masaru Matsuo) –
for her results on carbonization of poly(vinyl alcohol) films containing carbon fillers
and metal dioxides
Below is the POLYCHAR schedule for the next four years:
- POLYCHAR-15, Rio de Janeiro - Brazos, April 17-20, 2007
- POLYCHAR-16, Vigyan Bgavan - New Delhi, January 2008
- POLYCHAR-17, Bratislava, 2009
- POLYCHAR-18, Rouen, 2010
- Brostow W, Castano VM, Das-Gupta D, Hess M (2001) Mater Res Innovat 4:65
- Brostow W, Castano VM, Das-Gupta D, Hess M, Jaklewicz M (2002) Mater Res Innovat 5:240
- Singh RP (2002) Popular Plastics & Packaging 47:50
- Brostow W, Castano VM, Clarson SJ, Cunha AM, Hess M, Schubert DW (2003) Mater Res
Innovat 7:1
- Brostow W, Castano VM, Cunha AM, Goeschel U, Hess M, Pietkiewicz D, Springer J, Williams
G (2004) e-Polymers no. 002